John 20:19-23
If you have ever watched a Tyler Perry movie, I am sure you have heard Mudea talking about not leaving without her “peace.” But the “peace” she is talking about is her “piece”, or pistol, designed to wreck up some stuff if she don’t get the respect she demands! Every family has a “Mudea,” some of us are blessed with three or four. Might I suggest a better way to live in peace than Mudea’s…
In today’s passage, Jesus showed up finding the disciples hunkered down, hiding from the Jews in fear of their life. They had no idea what do to do next or where to go. In steps Jesus. Once they realized who he was, the fear was gone and they began to rejoice. Their hope had returned. His first words to them were “Peace be with you!” Then as if to confirm his own word, he said it again, “Peace be with you!” It was not a suggestion, but a command.
What is this peace Jesus was giving? It can be defined as “inner contentment or lack of emotional agitation.” That state of being that came from the assurance that although everything seemed to be a hot mess, everything was fine because Jesus had arrived. With that command of peace, came the assignment or marching orders for the disciples. It was time for them to go and do what Jesus did for three years…but not without the Holy Ghost. Jesus came in, calmed the fears, set orders and gave the command. Not once did ask what was wrong, how did anyone feel, do you want this peace, or will you go. Now THAT’S authority. He just set order.
Still today, as his disciples we are not alone, nor do we have to take matters into our own hands and create out own “peace” with an “ie” instead of an “ea.” We can gain confidence in the midst of trying situations because Jesus gives us his peace and the gift of the Holy Ghost to walk out whatever our assignment is here on Earth. When we are troubled, all it takes is accessing that connection and following his example to find our way through.
Peace be with you…now you can go… but not without the Holy Ghost!
Prayer: Father, sometimes we forget that you are in control and promised to never leave us, just as the disciples did. How joyful and comforting it is to know that you leave us with your peace and the Holy Ghost to do what you have called us to do! We are never alone. Please teach our hearts not to fear in difficult times, but instead to hold fast to You and who we are in you.
In the name of Jesus, who is our peace, Amen
Tracey Bowen, Associate Minister
Bethel Apostolic Temple
Miami, Florida
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