We must work the works of him who sent me while it is still day; night is coming when no one can work. John 9:4
As Jesus engages the struggle between darkness and light, between blindness and sight we feel a sense of urgency in his words. Do something to show people who God is. Do it NOW. Time is not on your side. There is a task before you and you don’t know how much time you have.
On August 24, 2008 as I was driving to a celebration that was being hosted in honor of my election to the Judicial Council of the A.M.E. Church, I lost control of the vehicle. My car flipped over and rolled across a busy freeway and into an embankment where the car began to bury itself in the dirt. In addition to worrying about my dogs who were in the car with me, I was concerned that I had been given this task and it appeared I would die before doing anything with the new duties in my hands.
So often we wrongly assume that we can borrow time from tomorrow. When we meet Jesus face to face will we be finished with our work, or explaining why we did not: clothe the naked; provide jobs for the jobless; visit the sick and in prison; help the blind to see with the light that shines from within our souls; bring tangible relief (good news) in a starving world, actively seek peace in the middle of war zones? When shall we do these things?
God who carefully shaped each of us, we remember today the urgent call on our lives to work, to toil, to actively engage in transforming our territories. Forgive us for the many times we fail to act. Forgive us for the many times we fail to act responsibly with the power you have given us. Please prosper the work of our hands today and implant in our minds, bodies and souls a sense of urgency and assurance that night is coming.
Pastor Francine Brookins
Wright Chapel AME Church
San Francisco, California
ReplyDeleteThat'll preach my friend! Thank you for this GOOD NEWS reminder that "tomorrow isn't promised..." I pray I will do all that I'm called to do TODAY, in Jesus' Name!