Gospel: John 6:52-59
Key verse: Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you. John 6:53 (KJV)
Jesus had just performed the miracle of feeding the multitude with the two fish and five barley loaves. After which, a discussion arises regarding bread, the true bread of heaven and the manna (bread) which fed the Children of Israel in the desert. Jesus points out that He is the true bread of heaven and it is He who brings “life unto the world”. In the key verse, Jesus admonishes the crowd, the Jews, that if they do not “eat the flesh” and “drink the blood” of the Son of Man, they do not have life. Jesus was admonishing them, as well as us, that we must have an intimate relationship with him if we desire to have life. This life of which he speaks is our eternal life: he that eateth of this bread shall live forever (verse 58). We cannot be satisfied with believing that since we have nice clothes, nice cars and nice homes we are living or have “life”, for there will come a time when all these things will be brought to nought and if we have not eaten of the flesh and drank of the blood of Jesus, our souls will be lost.
Thought to Remember: A true relationship with Jesus is formed when an intimate relationship is developed, nurtured and maintained by a continuous feasting on the true bread of heaven.
Epistle: Romans 8:28-39
Key verse: Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified. Romans 8:30 (KJV)
In the Book of Jeremiah, the prophet explains how the word of the Lord came to him and let him know that before he was formed in his mother’s belly or came forth from her womb, the Lord sanctified or set him apart and ordained him to be a prophet to the nations. He was predestined to be a prophet! In this Epistle, Paul tells the church at Rome, hence tells us, that each was called by God to fulfill a purpose. And because we are predestined to or for that purpose, we who claim God as our Father cannot be separated from that purpose no matter what the enemy tries. If God be for us, who can be against us? (verse 31). We cannot see into the future, so we do not yet comprehend the great things that we can and will accomplish for the Kingdom of God. The enemy knows and is trying with every weapon he has to get us off the track that God has us following. Even in the midst of economic crisis, failed marriages, broken homes and church conflict, as God’s chosen people, we are more than mere conquerors through the God that loves us!
Thought to Remember: Each of us has a purpose and calling. We must, as God’s chosen, not let anything or anyone detract us from that purpose.
Rev. Ron W. Taylor
Britton’s Neck, South Carolina
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