John 4:27-42
Who have we witnessed to recently? As a preacher, I witness about Jesus every Sunday when I stand and deliver God’s Word to God’s people. I witness about God every week at Bible study. Does my witnessing have results week after week, Sunday after Sunday? Is my testimony as powerful as the woman in today’s devotional scripture?
Every time I read this text I am in awe. I am in awe because this lady who had just met Jesus had such a powerful witness that it changed the lives of an entire community. Her testimony was simple: “Come see a man that told me EVERYTHING I had ever done!” We live in a society were people need to hear the story just plan and simple.
I recall my own witness, born and placed into foster care at two weeks of age. I have been in two foster homes; I have never known my biological family. I was told that I was not college material. I used to, and still do, have a stuttering problem especially when I get excited, but never when I am teaching or preaching God’s Word. At one point of my life I had very low self esteem due to my dark skin and was made to feel that I was not attractive. My first parents died 8 months apart. But thanks be to God, I over came all those heartaches and obstacles in my life.
I finished grade school went on to Cheyney University and completed my degree. Then, I went on to Turner at ITC and earned my degree there as well. I know now that I am an attractive educated Black Man. What is my point? All of us have a story to tell! Jesus has done a lot of great and marvelous things in all of out lives. And if we, like the Samaritan woman, would stop from our busy schedules and, with great urgency like her, drop everything and run down the corridors of our jobs the sidewalks of our communities, the corners of our city blocks and proclaim “Come See A Man, Come See A Man, that told me EVERYTHING I have every done!” then we would see results in our homes, jobs, communities and churches and the evidence of changed lives.
So during this Lenten Season, let us share our testimony with someone.
Prayer; Oh Lord, give me that holy boldness that I so desire to have so that I can be a strong witness for you tell of your unfailing love to all I come in contact with. Amen
Rev. Michael D. Washington, Pastor
Emmanuel AME Church
Dover, Delaware
Hallelujah! Amen! Lord, please give me such a powerful witness that you are able to use it to change my community--yay the world--as well! In Jesus' Name, Amen.